For the next 26 days, a group of awesome kid bloggers are bringing you The A – Z of Animals Series!
You can expect loads of fun crafts and activities that will be shared each day, for each letter of the alphabet! 26 Animal crafts and activities your kids will adore!
This is what will come in the next 26 days(where you see a blue link, it means the post is live):
Introduction (You are Here)
A is for Albatross by Preschool Powol Packets
B is for Beaver by My Bright Firefly
C is for Crab by Playdough and Popsicles
D is for Duck by Crafty Kids at Home
E is for Elephant by Peakle Pie
F is for Fish by Messy Little Monster
G is for Giraffe by Kid World Citizen
H is for Hedgehogby Schooling a Monkey
I is for Insects By Adventures of Play\p>
J is for Jellyfish by Uno Zwei Tutu
K is for Koala by Danya Banya
L is for Lobsterby Crafty Mama in ME
M is for Monkey by Teach me Mommy
N is for Narwhal by Little Bins for Little Hands
O is for Octopus by Powerful Mothering
P is for Platypus by Kelly’s Classroom
Q is for Quagga by Teach me Mommy
R is for Rhino by Kid World Citizen
S is for Snake by Raising Little Superheros
T is for Turtle by Look We are Learning
U is for Unicorn by Artsy Momma
Vampire Bat by Royal Baloo
W is for Whale by Living Montessori Now
W is for Wolf by Kidminds
X is for Xenarthra by Share it Science
Y is for Yak by Peakle Pie
Z is for Zebra by Kori at Home
Subscribe to National Geographic Kids Magazine and receive these great animal magazines for 12 months!
While you are here, check out these fun animal ideas:
Horsie-Horsie Small World Play
Zoo Themed Craft & Activities
Old McDonald Puppets
Yarn Sheep
Nadia van Zyl says
Thanks for following along!
Christina says
What a fun series! Looking forward to seeing all the animal crafts along the way. Pinned.