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Here you will find all the free printable worksheets, just for loyal subscribers like you!
Scroll down to the category you are after and click on the image of that printable. Please do not share any of these resources directly(for personal use only), but rather send people to the blog to sign up to receive these freebies too! Thank you for your honesty! If you do feel that you want to donate(totally optional), you can do so into our PAYPAL account by using the email teachmommyme@gmail.com. Thank you for considering it! Please note that the content here might change, so grab your freebies while it is still here!
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And our BOOM Store for digital products!
- Welcome to the Freebies page!
- Afrikaans
- Animals
- Autumn/Fall
- Back to School
- Christmas
- Earth Day
- Easter
- Father's Day
- Felt Busy Box Templates
- Literacy
- Monsters & Aliens
- Mother's Day
- New Year
- Numeracy
- Ocean/Under the Sea
- Playdough
- Rainbows & Colors
- Robots
- Shapes
- Space
- Spring
- St. Patrick's Day
- Summer
- Valentine's Day
- Winter
- Uncategorized
Find all our free Afrikaans printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Find all our free animal/reptile-themed printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Spin & Color Unicorn - Google Drive
Australian animals puppets.pdf
MAke cute Australian animals finger puppets to tell stories, sing songs etc.
Farm Animal Lacing Cards.pdf
Practice lacing with these farm animal cards.
Farm animals word cards.pdf
Practice writing with these farm animal strips.
Find all our free Autumn/Fall printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Thanksgiving Number puzzles.pdf
Work on number recognition and order with these number puzzles.
Fall Posters (2).pdf
Add these lovely Fall/Autumn signs to your decor by simply framing them or use in your Fall crafting projects.
Pumpkin patch.pdf
Roll dice to find the number of playdough/mini erasers pumpkins to place in the pumpkin patch.
Roll a Scarecrow.pdf
Roll a die and use playdough to fill the scarecrow picture!
Teen numbers pumpkin patch.pdf
Learn about teen numbers with these pumpkin patch printables.
Roll a pumpkin face.pdf
Roll a die and use playdough or draw a pumpkin face!
Back to School
Find our free School related printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
school bus template.pdf
Make a felt school bus busy box with these templates.
Stationery count clip/trace.pdf
Count and clip or trace the stationery items on these cards.
AtHome Graduation Cert and Questions.pdf
Graduation Interview/Certificate
Find all our free Christmas printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Christmas treat toppers .pdf
Make cute gifts with these treat bag toppers!
Christmas I-spy Cards.pdf
I-spy Christmas cards to count and recognize numbers uo to 10.
Can wrappers.pdf
Use these wrappers around cans like Pringles to make a gift!
Pipecleaner/Pompoms cards templates.pdf
Use these templates to make Christmas cards with pipecleaners nd pompoms.
Nativity booklet.pdf
Print the pages of this mini nativity book to make a cute book for Christmas to color in.
Color-in Countdown Cards.pdf
Print and color in each day as a countdown to Christmas!
Gift tags& Guessing.pdf
Use these cards for a fun Gift Guessing Game and to use as tags on gifts!
Gingerbread House I-spy.pdf
A fun activity to spy candy around the Gingerbread House!
gingerbread house template.pdf
Use this template to make a Gingerbread House felt busy box.
Reindeer Pop-up Card.pdf
Make a cute pop-up reindeer card with this printable!
Santa Ten Frame.pdf
Use these ten frame printables to make a Santa Ten Frame Busy Box!
Roll & Decorate tree.pdf
Roll a die and decorate the Christmas tree with buttons or pompoms!
Roll a Christmas Cupcake.pdf
Roll a die and decorate the Christmas cupcake with playdough!
Christmas Crackers Jokes.pdf
Add these jokes to your DIY Christmas Crackers!
Earth Day
Find our free Earth Day printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Free Save Water Poster
Teach kids about saving water with this poster.
I love my planet.pdf
Add a handprint to the printable to make a keepsake.
Find all our free Easter printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Easter egg templates.pdf
Use these Easter egg templates to make Easter egg matching puzzles or make Easter cards.
Easter Egg Shapes mats.pdf
Practice making shapes and learning to read the names with these playdough mats!
Roll an Easter Egg.pdf
Roll a die and decorate the Easter egg with playdough!
Easter placemat.pdf
An Easter placemat to keep the kids busy during Easter dinner!
Father’s Day
Find all our free Father's Day printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Father Monster (1).pdf
Add a handprint to this printable to make a cute keepsake for dad!
Father's Monkey.pdf
Add a handprint to this printable to make a monkey hanging in the tree.
Felt Busy Box Templates
All our Free Templates to make your own felt busy boxes. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Unicorn quiet page.pdf
Make a Unicorn quiet page to practice tying knots and braiding.
Under the Sea Busy Box
Find all our free, uncategorized Literacy printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Playdough names.pdf
Your child can practice spelling their names with this playdough mat.
Turkey Letter Find.pdf
Work on letter recognition with these Turkey Letter Find worksheets.
Crack the Code - Google Drive
Crack the Code to the CVCC and CCVC word puzzles!
CVC mazes FREE.pdf
A fun way to practice unscrambling CVC words! Get the full set HERE!
Play a syllable game to practice recognizing syllables.
Lower case letter cards.pdf
Lower Case letter cards for word building.
Play this long vowel challenging game with older kids.
Lego Sight Words Cards
CVC and Sight Words Lego cards and letter blocks.
FREE Block Letters & Words
Build words with these cards and make block letters too.
Crack the code CVC Words.pdf
Crack the code to find the secret CVC words.
Emergent Reader Sentences.pdf
Cut and paste worksheets to make emergent sentences.
Final double consonants.pdf
Practice reading and writing final double consonant words.
Monsters & Aliens
Find all our free monster printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Creepy creatures puppets.pdf
Make creepy, but cute, creature puppets!
Match the colors of the monsters for fine motor practice.
Monster eyes.pdf
Match the monster's eyes with colored beads/buttons.
Roll a monster face.pdf
Roll a die and use playdough(or draw) to make the monster's face.
Mother’s Day
Find all our free Mother's Day printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Mother's Flowers Keepsake.pdf
Use a handprint to make a flower pot on this printable page.
Mother's Day words Keepsake.pdf
A sweet keepsake printable for Mother's Day. Add a picture/photo in the heart.
mommy & me frame.pdf
Let your child capture a picture using this frame.
New Year
Find all our free New Year printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
New Years Crackers.pdf
Make these crackers/bonbons for New Year's Eve! Add candy, jokes, small toys etc.
2021 Interview.pdf
An interview to do with the kids at the end of the year. (Yearly updated)
Find all our free, uncategorized Numeracy printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Thanksgiving Number puzzles.pdf
Work on number recognition and order with these Number puzzles!
Measuring Cards.pdf
Make a busy box to practice measuring with these cards.
Multiplication 100 chart patterns.pdf
See the multiplication patterns in these 100 charts.
Place value game.pdf
Play a place value game to understand the concept.
Ocean/Under the Sea
Find all our free Ocean printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Fish template.pdf
Make a lovely rainbow fish(or any other craft) with this template.
Magnetic Fish.pdf
Use these fish templates to make magnetic felt fish for a busy box or fishing activity.
Fish color match.pdf
Match the colors of the fish with mini pompoms or beads/buttons to work on fine motor skills.
Shark Pre-writing.pdf
Practice prewriting skills with these shark strips.
Under the Sea Busy Box Templates
Use the templates to make a felt busy box.
Find all our free playdough(Play-Doh) related printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Playdough names.pdf
Find the letters in your name and build it with playdough!
Playdough Letter formation.pdf
Practice forming letters with these playdough letter mats.
Playdough CVC words.pdf
A fun CVC playdough busy box to make with these printables.
Rainbows & Colors
Find all our free rainbow and color printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Rainbow fine motor.pdf
Do lacing or color matching activities with these rainbow printables.
Rainbow matching puzzles.pdf
Make rainbow matching puzzles for your toddler/preschooler.
Color match cards.pdf
Use pompoms/buttons/beads/playdough to match the colors on the dotty cards.
Estimation Rainbow Game.pdf
A fun Estimation game played with colored beads/buttons or even candy!
Sweets color match.pdf
Use mini pompoms or beads/buttons to match the colors of the sweets/candy!
Shirts Match the Colors.pdf
Use mini pompoms or buttons/beads to match the colors of the shirts for fine motor practice.
Roll a die and use playdough to fill the rainbow picture.
Find all our free robot printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Robot color match.pdf
Match the colors of the robots to practice fine motor skills.
Find all our free Shapes printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Find all our free Space printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Roll a Spaceship.pdf
Roll a die and use playdough to fill the spaceship!
Space upper & lower letter cards.pdf
Match the upper and lower case letters.
Find all our free Spring printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Bee counting cards.pdf
Count with the bees. Use pompoms or yellow beads/buttons, even mini erasers.
Bug Counting Freebie.pdf
Count with the lady bugs. Use black pompoms, beads/buttons or playdough!
Ladybug cards.pdf
Use red mini pompoms or mini erasers of ladybugs to count.
Butterfly Match the Colors.pdf
Use mini pompoms or buttons/beads to match the colors of the butterflies to practice fine motor skills.
Flower Bouquet.pdf
Use these templates to make a felt flower bouquet busy box.
Flower Color Match.pdf
Use pompoms or buttons/beads to match the colors of the flowers or dab with paint dabbers.
Freebies Spring Writing - Google Drive
Use these paper for Spring writing projects.
Bee-ngo - Google Drive
Sight words with a bee theme to play a game of bee-ngo(bingo)
Use playdough and a die to make this butterfly picture.
Planting Flowers.pdf
Plant these flowers(attach to popsicle sticks) to practice fine motor skills.
Find bugs (1).pdf
Find the bugs. Simply count or cut out to use in a sensory bin.
St. Patrick’s Day
Find all our free St. Patrick's Day printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
St. Patrick's Day mini book (1).pdf
Make this mini book and read all about St. Patrick's Day!
Leprechaun Teen Number Sums.pdf
Practice teen numbers with this Leprechaun printables!
St.P Busy Box templates.pdf
Make a St. Patricks's Day felt busy box with these templates.
Find all our free Summer printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Camping puzzle.pdf
Beachball cards.pdf
Write any words on the beach ball cards and then use it to write on real beach balls to throw and read!
Summer counting.pdf
Count pictures and read numbers! Use playdough too!
Watermelon Tic Tac Toe.pdf
Play a game of Tic Tac Toe with these watermelon discs.
Summer paper.pdf
Use these Summer paper for Summer -themed stories and such.
Roll a Beach Ball.pdf
Roll a die and decorate the beach ball with playdough!
Odd & Even Ice cream.pdf
Work on Odd and Even numbers with these ice cream sundaes!
Popsicle numbers.pdf
Work on number sense with these popsicle sticks!
Color Matching Popsicles.pdf
Match the colors of the popsicles with real popsicle sticks.
Camping writing prompts.pdf
Use these camping writing prompts for creative writing.
Valentine’s Day
Find all our free Valentine's Day printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
V-Day mini book.pdf
Make, color and read this mini book about Valentine's Day!
Heart colors.pdf
Use heart buttons or playdough and Sort colors on the hearts.
Blue Valentines.pdf
Add anything blue with this tag to give as V-day gifts!
Find all our free Winter-themed printables here. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Snowflake Cards.pdf
Snowflake templates to make a "Build a Snowflake" busy box.
Roll a die and use playdough to fill this snowman picture.
Roll a die and use playdough to fill this penguin picture.
Find all our free uncategorized printables here! Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the printable.
Symmetry Cards
Use these templates to make touch & feel symmetry cards.
Covid Interview (1).pdf
Let the kids fill in this Covid Pandemic interview.
Prewriting templates.pdf
Use these templates to make Touch & Feel Prewriting cards.
Sushi Menu.pdf
Make Sushi from felt and use this menu as part of the pretend play setup.
Tooth Fairy Fun - Google Drive
Tooth fairy Printables plus Parts of a Tooth.