Make your own microwave playdough in under 10 minutes with this easy recipe! Your kids will love this soft playdough and play for hours!
Lately, I need super easy and quick things to do at home with my kids, mostly because I don’t have the energy to do more, but a quick activity sometimes saves the day! This Playdough Cookies activity is just one of them.
I came across this recipe by Lessons Learnt Journal, one that you actually make in the microwave in 7 MINUTES!
- 3 cups of flour
- 3 cups of water
- 3 tablespoons of oil
- 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
- 1/2 cup of salt
- colouring
Mix it all together well, microwave(covered) for 2 minutes and stir. Do this three times. One more minute uncovered. If it still feels sticky, do one minute intervals until it is not sticking to your fingers.
This time, we made our playdough lime green and had such fun with it! I took it to school so my class can also enjoy it too.
Best of all, this playdough can keep for up to six months stored in an air-tight container!
Make your own microwave playdough and let the fun begin!
Microwave Playdough

Make your own Microwave Playdough under 10 minutes!
- 3 cups of flour
- 3 cups of water
- 3 tablespoons of oil
- 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
- 1/2 cup of salt
- coloring
Mix it all together well, microwave(covered) for 2 minutes and stir. Do this three times. One more minute uncovered. If it still feels sticky, do one minute intervals until it is not sticking to your fingers.
Store in an airtight container for up to 6 months.
Iyan says
Thanks for sharing at the Co-Op. I ecelsialpy love the playdough cupcakes and painting the playdough. Made me realize that playdough would be a great answer when my toddler asks (for the millionth time) to make cookies, and hubby and I don’t want any real cookies in the house!!
Emma @ P is for Preschooler says
Microwave play dough – I have to try that! I hate making it on the stove!