Play this fun (and free) printable board game with your kids- Under the Sea board game! Inspired by the Snakes & Ladders game, your young kiddos will love this!

Do your children or students love board games? Board games are so good for practicing various skills while having fun. Exactly like this under the sea board game. Simply print and play!
How to prepare this board game:
Simply print (find the printable on our Freebies page, access instructions below) the page, laminate it or use a dry-erase pocket to protect it to be able to use it multiple times. Provide a die and some movable pieces(we used these cute sea creature stikeez). And you are ready to play Under the Sea board game!

The rules are similar to that of Snakes & Ladders, but with this Under the Sea board game, the seagrass takes you UP and the sharks take you DOWN!
Assign play pieces to each player. Start at nr. 1 and take turns to roll the die. Move that number of blocks, using the numbers on the blocks to help with direction.

If you land on seagrass, follow it upwards. If you land on a shark, the shark swallows you and you must go downwards!

To make it more fun, when you land on a block with a picture of a sea creature, act it out! Swim like a fish, make bubbles with your mouth like a fish, wiggle 8 fingers like the tentacles of an octopus…

Even though this looks like a simple game, the educational value cannot be underestimated. Number recognition, counting skills, social skills and rule-following, all of this get practiced while playing and having fun!

Have fun playing our Under the Sea Board Game with your kiddos! Have a look at our Digital Resource with an Ocean theme(more coming soon)!
Check out these cute Ocean Inspo Coloring pages!
And these Ocean Creatures Number Mats!

Creative Writing Printable // Literacy with the Littles
Water Beads Sensory Bin // M is for Monster
Positional Words //The Primary Post
Ocean Animals Matching Sensory Bin // Alleah Maree
Under the Sea Graph // Sarah Chesworth
Under the Sea Board Game // Teach Me Mommy
Counting Fish // Recipe for Teaching
Letter Hunt Sensory Bin // The Primary Brain
Under the Sea Fine Motor Mats // Fairy Poppins
Laura says
I want to download it. But I can’t do it.
Alex says
This is awesome. A very fun board game to play with my nephews and nieces. Thanks
Max says
Love this game. Looks fun to play with kids. Thanks for sharing!
Marc says
Awesome article! Very helpful.
Thanks for sharing this !