How pretty is this Twinkle Little Star kid-made lantern?! A fun star craft to make with your young kids and sing the song “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” or use as decor at parties or Christmas-time!
It is Rhyme Time again! The last time we learned the rhyme Miss Polly had a dolly and I made a Dolly Comfort Pillow. This week’s rhyme is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and my daughter made a lantern!
So this craft calls for loosening control a little bit and letting your child use a sharp object. No need to say this will happen under supervision.
You will need black paper/cardboard or craft foam, thick cardboard to press on, a star shape and a sharp object(a strong toothpick could work too).
Secure the star with a piece of sticky gum(Prestik/Blutak) and let your child press holes all around the star. This works on those fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination too.
She did get tired of pressing the holes around the star, so I finished it off with a spiral.
This will work best if you add a fake tea light to it, but I did not have one at hand, so I used a real candle(carefully), just for the photo:
Imagine a few of these in a row on the porch at night time!
Such pretty, and rather an easy star craft for kids to make too!
Be sure to check out how Adventures of Adam made this lovely light-up canvas!

And this lovely Potato Stamp Art from Best Toys 4 Toddlers!

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