I made this Subject & Predicate Writing Game from craft sticks as a fun way to show the students that every sentence need a subjects and a predicate.
I made the sentence options very simple, but one can add more to it for older students, eg. adding adjectives or adverbs.
How to make the sticks:
You will need two colours of craft sticks, a marker, some subject and predicate words(I got mine out of a book at school that was intended to be used as cards, but you can make up your own too).
Write the subject words on one colour craft sticks and the predicate words on the other colour. Make sure each subject stick has at least one corresponding predicate stick:
The options could result in silly sentences, but make sure there are no rude options, lol!
The group game idea is quite simple: draw a stick from each cup, see if the subject and predicate makes sense together. If it does, present the sentence to the players and keep it. If not, place the sticks back into the cups and wait for another turn. The person within the most sentences wins.
For individual use or extending the activity: draw a stick from the subject cup and write it down. Add you own predicate to complete the sentence.
Nadia van Zyl says
Heather says
This is a really good idea! Colourful too.