Set up a “catch a heart” fine motor & sorting activity for your young child to develop those fine motor and sorting skills in a fun way.

Look at this easy-to-set-up and so-great-for-learning-hands-on hearts fine motor tray! PS- do check out these Fine Motor Books, almost 200 fun fine motor activities in two ebooks!

Pipecleaners and a tray are all you need! (A tray with three compartments like THIS ONE) and a wire bender if you choose, but not necessary.

I cut the pipecleaners as shown below. One whole pipecleaner for a large heart, half of a pipecleaner for a medium heart and a third of a pipecleaner for the small hearts.
You can cut as many hearts and sizes as you want. I chose small, medium and large because it works well with the tray and it is vocabulary my 5-year-old needs to learn.

Bend another pipecleaner into a hook.
Show your child to sort the hearts according to size after “catching” the heart. Fine motor skills and perceptual skills at work here.

Make a game out of it and time yourself, beat each other’s times or beat your best score.
A fun fine motor activity to make today and it is also perfect for the days leading up to Valentine’s Day!

More heart activities:
Heart Letter Puzzles // Pocket of Preschool
Valentine Hearts Ten Frame Clip Cards // Mrs. Jones Creation Station
Heart Digraph Puzzles // The Kindergarten Connection
Printable Valentine’s Math Activities // Stay at Home Educator
Alphabet Hearts // Playdough to Plato
Valentine’s Day Emergent Reader // Sweet Sounds of Kindergarten
Heart Syllable Sort // Recipe for Teaching
Candy Hearts Count and Clip Cards // Modern Preschool
Heartbreakers Sensory Activity // Sugar Spice and Glitter
CVC Hearts // The Primary Post
Valentine’s Day Number Recognition Bingo Game // Schooling a Monkey
Valentine’s Day Activities (Heart Craft & Cutting Practice) // Fairy Poppins
Heart Counting Cards // Powerful Mothering
Sorting Hearts Fine Motor Tray // Teach Me Mommy
Candy Heart Estimation Station // The STEM Laboratory
Contraction Conversation Hearts // The Simplified Classroom
Chocolate Heart Play Dough Mats // Fantastic Fun and Learning
Jar of Hearts: Editable Sight Words to Read and Write // Liz’s Early Learning Spot
Hearts Make Ten Game // Sara J Creations
Heart Roll, Cover and Write Mats // Fun Learning for Kids
Heart Ice and Oil Density Experiment // Science Kiddo
Candy Heart Sentences // Pages of Grace
Heart Sight Word Match // The Letters of Literacy
Heart Name Crafts // Fun-A-Day
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