Use colored craft sticks to make a pretty, and quirky, rainbow photo frame with your kids. It makes a great kid-made gift too!
We do not celebrate St. Patricks Day here in South Africa, but give me any reason not to make rainbow crafts! This rainbow photo frame made from Craft Sticks is so bright and cheerful! And it was really easy to make too!
How to make this frame:
I’ve used white cardboard and firstly started gluing it down, the inside square where one would place the photo first.
Then I worked on one side at a time, trying to get the sloping right by using a loose stick as a guide.
I did all the sides and then cut the board with a craft knife, according to the sticks. I would, when I do this again, rather pre-cut a board a tad smaller than the end product(making a type of template) and then glue the sticks down, because the way I did it was rather time-consuming.
I made a slit at the back where the photo could slide into. One could add magnets and use the frame on a fridge or cabinet. Or add a ribbon to hang it on the wall. And there you have a pretty rainbow photo frame made from craft sticks.
PS: Have you seen the previous Rainbow activities for little kids?
Amy Greene says
Such a cute idea. I love how the rainbow fans out. I am delighted to feature you at Mom’s Library on Pounds4Pennies this week.