Is Pop-Its also the latest kids craze where you live? It is the next best thing after fidget spinners, I suppose! Here are some fabulous Pop-It learning activities!

We all know that kids learn better when they are interested and engaged, right? Tap into their interests, even if it means you have to use the latest fidget toy! (Scroll down to see our Pop-it Challenge Cards)
How to Prepare the Pop-It
Write the alphabet letters on it with a permanent marker. (Do a number one too if you can, or write on the one side letters and the other side numbers.) Add an exclamation and a question mark too. TIP: You can give it a spray of varnish to make sure it does not rub off.

Letter Activities to do with the Pop-It
Use the prepared Pop-It and say all the letters while popping it one by one, going from a to z to work on Alphabetical Order.

Pop and spell words! CVC and CVCC/CCVC or Sight words that don’t have a repetitive letter will work best. (You can get a bunch of FREE CVC word cards on our FREEBIES page under the Literacy Category.) Or see our CVC Words Pack.

Find specific letters, or all the vowels, for instance.

Use the toy to show if a verbal sentence needs an exclamation or question mark.

Find the missing letter. Cover a letter with a marble, then ask the child to guess which letter is missing. Alphabetical order knowledge is at play here.
Maths Activities with the Pop-It
Count the numbers while popping it, forwards and backwards. Skip count in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, etc.
Listen as someone else pops and count how many pops you hear(working on concentration, auditory awareness and counting).
Use a marble to hide a number. The child must guess which number is missing(using number order knowledge here). Hide a marble under the toy and guess where it is before counting and popping to “find” the place it is hidden.
Use a marble and toss it into inverted number holes. Before it lands, estimate where it is going to land. Or, call a certain number and try to toss it into that number hole.
Use two marbles and cover two numbers. First guess which numbers are missing and then add the numbers together. (Or subtract/multiply/divide)
So many fun ideas to use a Pop-It for learning! still have a fidget spinner, gathering dust? Use it for these fun Numeracy activities!

Shakira says
Clear, matte paint spray!
Nadia van Zyl says
We just keep on re-writing it. You could try a spray varnish? Let me know if it works;)
Connie says
How did you get the numbers and letters to not rub away? After the first use everything started to disappear.